Humanitarian actors and practices

Statue de Kim Il Sung à Pyongyang, Corée du Nord. PETER VAN QUAILLE Speaking Out Case Studies

MSF and North Korea 1995-1998

10/01/2014 Laurence Binet

The 'MSF in North Korea 1995-1998’ case study is describing the constraints and dilemmas that led Médecins Sans Frontières to speak out publicly while its teams were trying to bring assistance to the North Korean population on its territory between 1995 and 1998 and to the North Korean refugees in Asia in the following years.

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A woman is building a shelter in Dadaab refugee camp Lynsey Addario Opinion

The Poverty of Humanitarian Critique?

07/08/2014 Bertrand Taithe

While MSF has just recently launched a report, 'Where is everyone?', aiming at exposing the limitations and deficiencies of the international aid response to crises, Bertrand Taithe (HCRI) asks whether the approach taken and the question asked are the right ones.

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MSF and the aid system: choosing not to choose

07/03/2014 Rony Brauman Michaël Neuman

We often hear it said within MSF that the aid system is unable to provide effective relief, or that the aid system’s ability to provide aid is in decline. These statements, which suggest that MSF is itself outside the "system", are based on the very real number of people in relief operations who need help but do not receive it, or do not receive enough of it. 

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Un homme transporte des sodas dans le camp de réfugiés de Dadaab Spencer Platt Analysis

MSF and the aid system: choosing not to choose

07/03/2014 Michaël Neuman Rony Brauman

We often hear it said within MSF that the aid system is unable to provide effective relief, or that the aid system's ability to provide aid is in decline. Rony Brauman and Michaël Neuman aim at exploring MSF's relationship with the aid system, while showing how the ambitions of the aid system itself have evolved.



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Les travailleurs humanitaires du Centre médical à Mingkaman au Soudan du Sud David Di Lorenzo Video

Perspectives on the future of humanitarian action

04/03/2013 Fabrice Weissman

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the ICRC (1863-2013) and in light of the recently launched issue of the Review on "The future of humanitarian action", the Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) and the International Review of the Red Cross are pleased to co-host a Live Web Seminar on the topic: "Perspectives on the Future of Humanitarian Action"...

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MSF flag in Somalia Yann Libessart Opinion

Remote management in Somalia

01/23/2013 Joe Belliveau

Discussions on the merits of remote control management of humanitarian projects have been particularly intense over the last few years. We are pleased to share this contribution published in Humanitarian Exchange Magazine by Joe Belliveau, the operational manager for Somalia in the Dutch section of our organisation.

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