perverse effects and limits of aid

Des réfugiés hutus rwandais attendent dans le camp de transit de Mukungwa. John Parkin Interview

Living through the horrors of genocide: humanitarian workers in Rwanda

01/10/2018 Marc Le Pape Jean-Hervé Bradol

How much is known about the daily experiences of humanitarian workers in extreme situations such as major conflict or disaster? In their new book, “Humanitarian Aid, Genocide and Mass Killings: Médecins sans frontières, the Rwandan experience, 1982-97”, Marc Le Pape and Jean-Hervé Bradol set out to answer some of these questions. The book is also informed by Bradol’s experience of working for Médecins Sans Frontières in Rwanda during the genocide. 

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Couverture de la revue Alternatives Humanitaires Alternatives Humanitaires Interview

Interview with Marc Le Pape: Chronicle of a genocide

07/05/2017 Marc Le Pape

Marc Le Pape, sociologist and member of MSF-Crash Scientific Committee, is interviewed by Boris Martin, Editor-in-chief of Alternatives Humanitaires, about his and Jean-Hervé Bradol's latest book "Humanitarian aid, genocide and mass killings: MSF, the Rwandan experience (1982-1977)".

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A young girl walks in the streets of Bama Benoit Finck Analysis

War and humanitarian aid

07/25/2016 Rony Brauman

Rony Brauman focuses on the humanitarian environment and practices in war, in order to try to understand and analyze its political and ethical stakes. Starting with the creation of the Red Cross at the end of the XIXth century, he then focused on the contemporary postcolonial period, switching between various scales and reporting on contradictory points of view and issues.

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Un responsable MSF mène un sauvetage en Méditerranée Francesco Zizola Analysis

The State of the Humanitarian Sector

01/30/2015 Fabrice Weissman

This article is an English translation of an interview of Fabrice Weissman about the State of the Humanitarian Sector, in Revue Internationale et Stratégique (n°98, 2015/2) published by the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques

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Un homme transporte des sodas dans le camp de réfugiés de Dadaab Spencer Platt Analysis

MSF and the aid system: choosing not to choose

07/03/2014 Michaël Neuman Rony Brauman

We often hear it said within MSF that the aid system is unable to provide effective relief, or that the aid system's ability to provide aid is in decline. Rony Brauman and Michaël Neuman aim at exploring MSF's relationship with the aid system, while showing how the ambitions of the aid system itself have evolved.



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Un homme transporte des sodas dans le camp de réfugiés de Dadaab Spencer Platt Analysis

MSF and the aid system: choosing not to choose

07/03/2014 Rony Brauman Michaël Neuman

We often hear it said within MSF that the aid system is unable to provide effective relief, or that the aid system’s ability to provide aid is in decline. These statements, which suggest that MSF is itself outside the "system", are based on the very real number of people in relief operations who need help but do not receive it, or do not receive enough of it. 

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